Congratulations to Autumn MacGilvray, Los Angeles-based EnCorps Fellow and recipient of the 2024 Bonnie Reiss Memorial Scholarship.

Established in 2018 by the Board of Directors of EnCorps, the Bonnie Reiss Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of Bonnie Reiss, former California Secretary of Education and EnCorps Board Member known for focusing on the needs of underserved and low-income students. Recipients of this scholarship demonstrate exceptional dedication to making a difference in education, echoing Bonnie Reiss’s commitment to transformative change.

Autumn MacGilvray’s resilience and dedication to her transition into the teaching profession embody the values championed by Bonnie Reiss. 

Prior to EnCorps, Autumn was an independent researcher and a teaching assistant in a laboratory course at the University of La Verne, California. During her tenure as an EnCorps Fellow, Autumn demonstrated exceptional engagement and commitment, volunteering in both physics and environmental science classrooms. Autumn’s takeover day––an important milestone in an EnCorps Fellows’ journey where they lead a class with the support of their host teacher––at La Sierra High School showcased her ability to thoughtfully engage students, offering a glimpse into her potential as a future educator.

“Because students sometimes come from backgrounds that give them an uphill battle to face, I believe it’s important as individuals and as a society to do what we can…every small drop fills the bucket,” explains Autumn.

Currently pursuing a single-subject teaching credential at the University of La Verne, Autumn continues to exemplify the perseverance and excellence values defining Bonnie Reiss’s legacy. We have no doubt that Autumn’s dedication to making a difference in education will profoundly impact her students and the broader community. 

Autumn expresses her gratitude for the scholarship and the support it provides as she continues her teaching journey.

About the Bonnie Reiss Memorial Scholarship

Former California Secretary of Education and EnCorps Board Member, Bonnie Reiss was a force for good, directing her energy, passion and intelligence to advocate for children, education, the environment and political reform. She brought out the best in people and inspired those around her with her enthusiasm. She believed profoundly in the “power of one” and that one person can make a difference with a life well lived. 

In her memory, the EnCorps Board of Directors created in 2019 the Bonnie Reiss Memorial Scholarship. The $5,000 award is given annually to an EnCorps Fellow who demonstrates outstanding courage and resilience and who is committed to public service through teaching.