Tutor Middle School Math Online

According to a recent LA Times article, 2/3 of California students don’t meet math standards*. (source)

You can make a difference!

Share your expertise by virtually tutoring math to middle school students in an under-resourced community.

As an EnCorps STEMx Tutor you meet with one or two students online for one hour, twice per week for a minimum of one semester.

Volunteer Today!


You can choose one of two tutoring options:

1:1 Tutoring

  • Both tutor and student are online
  • Two, one-hour virtual tutoring sessions per week for one semester
  • Day and time is determined by tutor, student and guardian
  • 1:1 student-to-tutor ratio

2:1 Tutoring

  • Tutor is online ; students are on school site
  • Two, one-hour virtual tutoring sessions per week for one semester
  • Tutoring takes place for one hour between 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. (PST), Monday to Thursdays
  • 2:1 student-to-tutor ratio

Making math not so scary and giving students confidence in their abilities makes me feel like I’m making a difference. 

Dave van Gogh, STEMx Tutor

Program Benefits

  • Receive 1:1 support from your dedicated EnCorps Program Coordinator
  • Receive access to your student’s curriculum and have a connection with a math teacher at your student’s school
  • Gain access to EnCorps’ professional development tailored to STEMx Tutors
  • Build community through online communications tools such as Slack
  • Receive a letter of recommendation, if you’re a college student
  • Witness your student’s growth in math proficiency and confidence


  • Have a bachelor’s degree (does not have to be in a STEM field) and have at least 1 year of hands-on STEM industry work experience
  • Have an advanced degree in a STEM field with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Be a junior or senior in a college accredited STEM bachelor’s program with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Hold a professional certificate in a STEM field and have at least 1 year of hands-on STEM work experience
  • Are a current or former credentialed math teacher
  • Currently live in the US and be eligible to work

I now understand classwork more – thank you!

Middle School Student