Do you want to share your STEM expertise to help solve the lack of math proficiency of American students? Are you concerned about America’s future STEM workforce, or lack thereof? Do you want to give back to your community?
Look no further. Here’s how you can make a real difference.
According to EnCorps impact data, 20+ hours of online math tutoring by a STEM professional or STEM college student correlates with an impressive 22 point increase in diagnostic scores for middle schoolers in under-resourced communities who take part in the EnCorps STEMx Tutors Program. The typical yearly increase on iReady diagnostic tools is 12 points.
Before I continue, let’s give a bit of context. What is the STEMx Tutors Program?
Launched in the fall of 2020, the program matches STEM professionals and STEM college students with middle schoolers who struggle in math. Tutor and student meet virtually one hour, twice a week for approximately 10 weeks each semester. The program has demonstrated that online tutoring by a STEM expert increases math scores and helps students develop soft skills and a STEM identity. In short, students believe that they belong in the STEM fields.
Let’s dig into the data and what it tells us.
Why does the correlation between tutoring hours and math scores matter?
For us and our partner schools, the correlation between the number of tutoring hours and the impact on learning helps establish STEMx Tutors Program parameters that ensure middle schoolers are provided with high-impact tutoring.
When STEMx Tutors begin, we share with them how their commitment will impact student outcomes to encourage them to build a long-term relationship. Based on the data, our partner schools have realistic expectations as to how their students will progress. And, parents know that prioritizing their child’s tutoring is important.
Does the tutor-student relationship impact learning?
Yes, the number of tutoring hours matters. But, the tutor-student relationship matters also in developing math proficiency and confidence. Tutors are not just math experts, they are mentors. For many students, their tutor is the first STEM professional they’ve ever met.
How does math tutoring develop “soft” skills?
EnCorps tracks the impact of tutoring on soft skills like confidence, critical thinking, perseverance and what we call developing a STEM identity.
Our tutors are not just math aficionados, they are role models. They demystify science, technology, engineering and math. They can link the theory to practical examples in their work or research. As they share their own STEM journey, students see themselves in their tutors and in turn believe that they also belong in STEM.
And let’s not minimize the impact of their contagious enthusiasm and passion for math as demonstrated by STEMx Tutor and Google Hardware Design Engineer and MBA student at UC Berkeley, Emeka Ugwu:
“I’m super excited to share my love of numbers, through hopefully cool stuff like some gadgets I have designed, with my student! ”
I invite you to check out the EnCorps STEMx Tutors Program impact data for the 2022-23 academic year.
Student Outcomes
- Students who increased math proficiency: 84%
- Students who reported feeling more confidence in math class: 84%
- Students who believe they improved in math because of STEMx Tutor: 97%
Developing a STEM Identity
% of students who agree or strongly agree with the following statements:
- I have a good understanding of how I am going to use math in my daily life : 90%
- I know about different kinds of STEM jobs: 82%
- I belong in a math or science job if this is what I choose: 67%
STEMx Tutors Profile
- Have a Master’s or PhD: 62%
- Identify as Person of Color: 50%
EnCorps STEMx Tutors Program Details
- Total Number of Tutoring Hours: 4,000
- Number of volunteer STEMx Tutors: 135
- Number of Middle School Students: 171
- Tutor to student ratio: 1:1 or 1:2
- Tutoring frequency: 1 hour, 2x a week
- Program duration: 10 weeks per semester
Ready to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals? Apply to be an EnCorps STEMx Tutor.